Monday, November 24, 2008

Unexpected Town Hall

Friday morning, before we could enjoy our weekend. We been called for a Town Hall session. This is my very 1st Town Hall at PTP. Basically every quarter my company will hold Town Hall session to brief all the IDL staff, on company performance. But this is not an usual quarterly Town Hall... (it's definitely not..)

At this Town Hall at last company officially announced that they going to cut down so many things in order to sustain in current global economy storm. One of the thing they wanted to cut down is man power.. (huaaaa!)

Who would know what might happen .. Who would know our destiny.. The future not ours to see.. We can planned.. but only god knows..

Once, I thought working in big company would place a comfort zone even when been hit by economy crisis. But, I'm totally wrong.. somehow now.. each and every staff here start feeling the heat.. same goes to my tiny SQE team ..

We might stay.. We might go.. We might loose a team mate.. If one of them have to leave.. Can we survive without them..? If we leave.. What might happen to our future..? Only god have the answers.. the only thing we have to do now is Pray & Redha..

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